R-DATS Consulting is a research, data collection, and statistical services firm with a prominent presence in Sierra Leone.
R-DATS Consulting is registered in Sierra Leone with a field office situated in Freetown, Sierra Leone. The field office coordinates our research, impact evaluation and data collection activities in Sierra Leone, Liberia, Guinea, and the Environs. R-DATS Consulting has been involved in several notable projects in Africa, supporting government ministries and agencies, local and international organizations including non-profits with our expertise in achieving data-driven decision making.
The most recent project executed by R-DATS Consulting in Sierra Leone is the Sierra Leone Skills Development Project, commissioned by World Bank in 2023. This project aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of the Skills Development Project on Technical Vocational Education Training (TVET) alumni’s skills, employability and income generation. The assessment provided useful information on how existing vocational training institutions and programs catered to the jobs and skills needs of the Sierra Leone economy. R-DATS, on the project, collected high quality data from a representative sample of alumni, assessed their skills, knowledge, and employment status. The finding of this study is needed to inform future skills development programs in Sierra Leone.
At R-DATS Consulting, our sectors of interest cover Education, Social Protection, Skills Development, Health, Agriculture, Food Security & Nutrition, Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (Wash), Green Energy, Consumer Protection, Migration, Peace, and Reconciliation. We also offer services in Quantitative and/or Qualitative Research and Evaluation Designs; Impact Evaluation, Designs and Implementation including RCT; Institutional System, Policy and Sector Analysis; Survey and Data Collection Management; Third-Party Monitoring and Opinion Polls; Advanced Statistical Data Analysis (Quantitative and Qualitative); Training and Capacity Building; and Rosters of Consultants in different sectors.
The research, impact evaluation and data collection activities conducted by R-DATS in Sierra Leone have overtime helped to improve the lives of people by providing data-driven insights that can be used to inform policy and programme decisions towards achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as adopted by the United Nations of which Sierra Leone is a member.
R-DATS Consulting is headquartered in Abuja-Nigeria. The head office in Nigeria, coordinates other field offices in Africa which includes Uganda, Ghana and Sierra Leone.
Get in touch with us to learn more about how we can support your development and humanitarian research and evaluation project initiatives in these countries and its environs.
To read more on projects implemented by R-DATS, click here

R-DATS Consulting is a research, survey, and statistical services firm with a strong presence in Sierra Leone.