The International Classification of Violence against Children (ICVAC) is a new tool launched by UNICEF to help countries better understand and respond to violence against children. It was developed by UNICEF in collaboration with experts from around the world, and it is based on the latest scientific evidence on violence against children. The ICVAC provides a comprehensive and systematic framework for classifying violence against children, from physical and sexual abuse to neglect and exploitation. It is the first tool of its kind to be developed with the input of children and young people, and it is designed to be used by governments, researchers, and practitioners to improve the prevention, identification, and response to violence against children.
The ICVAC has five main parts:
- Definitions:The ICVAC provides clear and concise definitions of different types of violence against children.
- Classification:The ICVAC classifies violence against children into nine categories: physical violence, sexual violence, psychological violence, neglect, economic exploitation, trafficking, harmful traditional practices, and cyber violence.
- Indicators:The ICVAC provides a set of indicators for measuring violence against children.
- Risk factors:The ICVAC identifies the risk factors for violence against children.
- Responses:The ICVAC outlines the different responses that can be used to prevent and respond to violence against children.
The ICVAC is a valuable tool for countries that are committed to protecting children from violence. It can be used to:
- Improve understanding of violence against children: The ICVAC provides a comprehensive and systematic framework for understanding violence against children. This can help countries to better identify and respond to violence against children.
- Investing in early childhood development: Early childhood development programs can help to prevent violence against children by promoting positive parenting skills and nurturing relationships.
- Develop better policies and programs: The ICVAC can be used to develop better policies and programs to prevent and respond to violence against children. Laws and policies that protect children from violence must be implemented and enforced. Children must also have access to quality services that can help them to recover from violence.
- Addressing the root causes of violence: Violence against children is often rooted in poverty, inequality, and discrimination. Addressing these root causes is essential to preventing violence against children.
- Measure the prevalence of violence against children: The ICVAC provides a set of indicators for measuring violence against children. This can help countries to track progress in preventing and responding to violence against children.
- Strengthen coordination and collaboration: The ICVAC can be used to strengthen coordination and collaboration between different sectors and organizations that work to prevent and respond to violence against children.
- Changing social norms: Cultural norms that condone violence against children must be changed. Children must be seen as valuable members of society who deserve to be protected from violence.
The ICVAC is a significant step forward in the fight against violence against children. It is a tool that can be used to save lives and improve the lives of millions of children around the world.
Details about the ICVAC can be accessed here: